Keen to come to a working bee and see what it’s all about? We are so appreciative of all the volunteers who help us out at Kainui. It’s a chance to get out and work in our beautiful forest for a morning and be part of a fantastic community project.
You don’t need any experience, just a great attitude! There’s also no obligation to come to every working bee, we just appreciate any time you can give. If you’re keen to come along, pop your details into the form below and we will be in touch.
Kainui is a community volunteer-driven project built from scratch – every little bit helps! Your donation will help the Park to grow and become a mountain biking mecca.
Join these amazing businesses in helping to create and maintain a great community mountain bike park and become a Kainui Bike Park supporter.
We would like to thank all our supporters for their contributions to Kainui Bike Park which has made it possible to create the amazing park that it is and is building up to be.
OneFortyOne New Zealand
Kainui Bike Park is extremely grateful to be partnered with OneFortyOne New Zealand (OFO). OFO have been extremely supportive of this project and have a wonderful team that has made the development of Kainui that much easier. OFO has gifted the use of their Kainui North forest as well as initial seed funding of $22,500 to facilitate development of the trails. These funds went towards purchase of a digger. We were also given a further community grant to enable purchase of orange hi-viz t-shirts for health and safety.
MTB Trails Trust
Kainui Bike Park is under the umbrella of the MTB Trails Trust which has enabled us to focus on the development of the trails and to avoid all the paperwork! The Trustees have contributed ideas, educated us and imparted their knowledge on building a bike park. We are very lucky to have a bunch of people so invested and enthusiastic about mountain biking in our region, and can’t thank them enough.
The following businesses have been with us from the start of the Kainui journey. They have supported us in all different ways and contributed towards developing Kainui Bike Park. Without these businesses we would of struggled to get Kainui off the ground. Thank you. Please support these businesses who support Kainui.
Thank you also to the following businesses who support Kainui. Please support these businesses who support Kainui.